Here are some links to the hottest spots on the information super-highway, where you can see what's going on with the Street Fighter Roleplaying Game.
- The best Street Fighter RPG page in the English speaking world! This site is run by Matt Meade, creator of the G-File fan supplement, which aims to create rules and character records for every Street Fighter character that was not in the original RPG. In ancient days this page was known as "Matt's Conversions", but now the site is the best place to read interviews with original creators of the game, links to fan sites, general Street Fighter stories, and even some good resources, such as character sheets, a combat card app, and more! Ever since the death of Yahoo! Groups, this page even hosts all of the messages from the old mailing list. If you visit one Street Fighter RPG site, make it this one!
- Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game Facebook Group: This Facebook group is currently where the most public discussion about the RPG is taking place. Discussion, rules questions, and people posting their fan works-in-progress all happen here! In ancient days, this used to happen in Yahoo! Groups, but Yahoo! Groups died, and discussion for a time moved to Google+. Of course, Google then killed that project, and so we've all landed on Facebook. It's a good time. Check it out!
- Street Fighter RPG Brasil: Brush up on your Portuguese, because the Brazilians have a top Street Fighter RPG community! This site is the hub of the Brazilian scene. They've produced their own fan magazines, and even have their own take on a 20th Anniversary edition of the game!
- Street Fighter RPG Brasil Facebook Group: Much like the US/English speaking Street Fighter RPG scene, the Brazilians have their own Facebook group where current discussions take place. It's a very active group. Over the last few years there have been efforts to translate our fan materials for each other, which has been great. There is some pretty good cross-pollination between the scenes.
- Batjutsu: Writing, Gaming & Design: Home of the Warrior's Fist translations (the Street Fighter RPG fan magazine), you can also browse around and find a variety of Street Fighter and general RPG related content. Enjoy!
- Street Fighter RPG Blog: My good friend and GM's Blogspot blog about Street Fighter. He has some fun random tables and good analysis of the maneuvers in the book. It hasn't been updated in quite some time, but you may dig some of what you find there.
- Goutetsu's Street Fighter Role Playing Page: An ancient Tripod site of one of my friends. He is in my Street Fighter group, and this is his site from way way back in the day.