Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game was published by White Wolf back in 1994 through 1995. In addition to a core rule book, a small number of supplements were also published. Below are brief descriptions of each product created for the game. If you are interested in some real inside information, I'd highly recommend a couple interviews done by Matt over at An Interview with John Robey, lead writer on "The Perfect Warrior", and an Interview with Andrew Lucas, author of the Player's Guide. Both fun interviews.
Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game (1994): The main rules to the game, this book included everything you needed to play. In addition to the core rules, it included character sheets for the World Warriors, which basically means everyone you may remember from Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers. Of the "Bosses" of the game, only Balrog (Boxer) is included, near the back of the book. Along with the characters, their Styles and Special Maneuvers are all detailed. Also included is an introductory adventure, "High Stakes".
Secrets of Shadoloo (1994): This book fleshed out the rest of the bosses of the Street Fighter video games of the time, along with their Styles and Maneuvers, namely Vega, Sagat and M. Bison (dictator). Additionally, Mriganka, M. Bison's base, is fully detailed along with some related NPCs.
Shades of Gray / Storyteller's Screen (1994): Shades of Gray is an adventure for Street Fighter. In addition to the adventure, Shades of Gray included a number of additional Abilities and a few Special Maneuvers to round things out. Shades of Gray was included in the Street Fighter Storyteller's screen. This was a fairly standard cardboard screen which had a nice bit of official artwork on the outer side, with the inside containing some key bits of information usable during the game, as well as summaries of all of the Special Maneuvers. Sadly, there were many errors in those Special Maneuver summaries!
Player's Guide (1994): The Player's Guide contained a large grab-bag of material. A number of new Styles were included along with the Unique Backgrounds and a number of Maneuvers to fill those out. Additionally, advice on running NPCs, staff and the fight circuit were included, along with some ideas on how various Abilities annd Backgrounds could be further included in campaigns.
Contenders (1994): This book contained a large variety of... unusual characters that could be used during a campaign as possible allies or antagonists. Also, additional Styles and Special Maneuvers were included. The Duelist Division (the fighting circuit where people use weapons) was also further addressed, with some more rules for the use of weapons.
The Perfect Warrior (1995): This is a full adventure for Street Fighter, which takes the characters around the world. While almost entirely adventure, the game does specify a new Style as well.